My Welfare Report
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       I say a trusted friend is better than any social worker. God, social workers can tar families apart and mite use brain washing techniques:they wont take know for an answer and do not involve the carers and family of the person involved... I find social workers awful, well most of them! Ii will never involve in my affairs: they are imperfect and liabe to mistakes like anyone else.  They always thin the know best piling tablets onto individuals who did not need them in he first place    I looked [at a PHD course in psychiatry, and in one f the study books I obtained it had in black and white:

             'If anti-psychotic medication is given to a none                schizophrenic  person, this person will become


     This may also be the case with so called mood stabilizers.    I cannot understand why they push drugs all the time?  I think, and it could be argued they are legal drug pushers working for the drug companies  who are the the legalized drug  barons!  Not everyone is the same, and it has be purported the medial people put every person n the same drug anyway!  Like illegal drugs cannabis etc., once hooked forever a slave to it.   Thank God Isaw the good sense in no smoking, drink indulgence, and not having eccesses just as the Holy Bible advises: this is God's manual for living for mankind,

   However, I do find the social workers for the physically disabled are often better and more sympathetic than the mental health social workers.


          My experience with Welfare workers comes with a mixed 'heyho'.

         They are very good at putting children and adults into care, when these vulnerable people and children very ofen have good homes. I call  it the 'Hoot a nanny State' that has blindfolds on: things they should be looking at, like the Rochdale cases, they do not do. They pick on 'easy' targets. I am about to relate my own, Herbert Gascoigne Lyon's, and others' experience of welfare workers. Mr Lyon said: 'Never get them involved'...


          My mother told me never let the 'white coats' get hold of you, you will never be the same again, so I remembered her words and behaved myself!

         My brother had years of torture under them. until it was discovered years later that he had food and chemical intolerances. I took him to a private allergy doctor who wanted us to stay for free at her house by the sea

in Cornwall to observe him but he would not go. The sea air is good for my brother's type of condition...  In my opinion the NHS is lacking in ideas and do not take a holistic view to treatments. I find a chiropractor helpful to keeping my bone and muscle structure as good as it can get for me: he gives me advice in exercises and lifestyle. Also following my brother's special diet helps me. He has no medication at all, only prescribed vitamins, special bread and milk.     He must not eat beef, chicken, wheat, oats or eggs.  If he eats these products he becomes very ill. It was very hard to go alng with at first. Even our mother did not believe it. She was given a book on allergies

by a neighbour where we lived at the time in Abridge Essex, but never read it. I only wish had read it: it could have saved my brother and my family yeas of torture at the hands the NHS!  God, to think we are paying our taxis to be ill treated and misdiagnosed!


Herbert Lyon once told my mother not to involve social workers or psychologists in the general welfare of her children. When I was about to start  secondary school, a social worker called on my parents telling them I should have an IQ test to see what kind of secondary school education I should receive. On Mr Lyon's advice, my mother sent her away. The welfare and the Spastics Society, Scope, wanted to send me away to school. The Delemare handicapped school in Kent.

     "We got a good grammar school down in Kent where the famous French hornist, Dennis Blane's, brother teaches music. We get them good jobs counting out screws."

    Well my mother told her not to come back!

     My brother has just called them 'interfering busybodies!'

I just heard from a poor mother that they want her daughter to go into assisted accommodation which will be worse than where she was before; she has a lovely flat with a little garden: just a couple of mentally ill men there gave her problems. But in an assisted place there will be loads of problem people I told this mother. So she tells me   'over my dead body they coerce her onto going and leaving my three bedroom house. It is quiet and secure where I live. They will have to get through me first!' Honestly, are they mad?

Mr Lyon and his school secretary wife, Lilian, put all their spare time and money into helping people like me.


Ken Rowe whom my mother brought up because her sister had taken on two jos after her husband died, raises money for the mentally with his wife Dorothy in Canada.  He is an Honouree General, has the Order of Canada and is in the Business Hall of Fame. He has built a hospital that bears his mothers name, (I think it should have been my mother's),  for the Salvation Army.

I found this quote on the internet:


        'While the answer to this question

        depends on the community, and the

        internal politics within it, I have to say

        that at this point, they do more harm,

        but it isn't necessarily their fault.'

In recent years, funding for social services in general has been cut considerably and the case load for many is insurmountable, and they can only be stretched so thin. And the fact that many of them tend to metaphorically shoot before they ask questions (most likely due to the frustration about their working conditions) doesn't always help.

Once in a while, you may find a person who will go out of his/her way to help in the way it is meant to be, but such people usually don't last long, because the bureaucracy within discourages anyone from taking too much issue, and they either get rid of such people, or change them to comform to the bureaucracy.

Overall, I have seen more people hurt than helped by social services in general.'


My ex-husband was once a social worker. (I found this report on the internet.) 

Mental heath social workers do not offer any practical help to the people they visit. For instance, they should teach the person to clear up and not destroy ornaments, in other words make sure the dwelling is clean and tidy, before they sit down and talk about their condition. Maybe I am being unfair. But from my experience practical help is good for the soul.

     When I was doing full time unpaid missionary work during the 1960s and 1970s, of a 100 to a 150 hours a month, my then husband and I had to get the people to clear up their home before we sat down and talked! One such family had the welfare wash their hands off them: the poor mother was manic depressive which I understand comes under the name of bipolar in this 21st Century. Lets call the mother Tina, who also had other health issues. Her daughter, Kate, was in a seriously education subnormal school and my family and church helped to get her out of this school and into a comprehensive: and it was discovered Kate had eyesight problems preventing her from reading-I saw this was the case when I gave her a bible study. She also learnt the violin in the Wingfield Music Club which I introduced her to, and learnt to sew. My then husband, Daniel, also helped the family and joined me in the ministry, it is so sad how things in this world are.  There are tears in my eyes now, but I forgive everybody: Jesus showed hat bitterness eats up one's soul. Kate went on to marry one of our minister's sons and they had three children.   This I count as a success story and is one of many encountered in our Christian ministry..

                                                   I wish to report: 

650000 people over the age of 65 have died as a result of taking anti psychotic medications. It was on the news May 2015.  I wish the authourties would take notice of this survey and stop lobbing these tablets out like smarties. That poor mother's daughter did not need them. It was the result of that awful TV competition judge convincing the rest of the jury her daughter was guilty. I bet! The judge believed her daughter, who is not a liar like the others who framed her and used her as a scape goat.  That Judge only helped her daughter and did not 'sentence' her.  

     I am of the same mind as my mother's brother who was  the youngest inspecter in Scotlland Yard when police had to be police... he was a trypical 'Inspector Morse!'  I could see through the whole case as I was there to report how that  poor disabled mother and her daughter was treated! The CPS ended up saying they wish they had never brought the case'

     That poor disabled mother saw him, the TV competition judge, desparately scratching his arms outside the Crown court as he was leaning against the car park wall during lunch break on the first day of the case. She saw him, but her daughter and attorney did not. She could not stop and ask this juror if everything was okay, so she told a passing police woman to see to him. I firmly believe that he had it in for the mother and tried to get her done for afray after she spoke to him at the entrance of the court when leaving. She thought he was for her daughter the way he answered question, only  asking him if he was "for or against" the prosecution side. All he said was "against", and this pleased her and her daughter who was by now nearing a nervous breakdown... That tv judge meant against her daughter!...  The Crown Court judge took no notice of the complaint against the mother as there were too many 'witnesses' leaving the court house including the security guards! The receptionist had just waved goodbye to the mother who had had a nice chat with her earlier.



Scope obtained the papers and a lawyer to sue for neglect of my pregnant mother during the 2nd World War. It could be argued that I would be like Ken Rowe if I did not have cerebral palsy. His daughter, Julie, is in charge of his airline, Canjet. I saw one of his planes hijacked on the news not too long ago: t had Canjet inscribed in lights on its tail.

        I felt sorry for the NHS who need the money I might have been awarded, and stopped the case. I really wish  I had not now. If the welfare ever run rough shod over me and my family, then there will be no stopping me calming millions of pounds for the life I should have had. God, I will, and nothing will stop me.

       That poor mother, I am speaking about on my website, had to give up her home help because of the case making her daughter so ill; she had paid for the help herself. It is too embarrassing, and she is carer to two members of her family now through them treating her like some 'silly ol spastic', that is how they made her feel. The criminal family that told lies to bring the case against her poor daughter, shouted t9 her that they would make he daughter suffer. Her daughter was only trying to help that criminal family and had only known them for three weeks.  I reiterate that the Crown Court Judge believed her daughter and referred sentencing to maths lessons a e expressed his wish to help her.


Just in passing,Cattier Champaign's (cousins of my father) Jean Jacque wrote a song, 'We Will Sing to Champagne a Joyful Song' and I did not know this until after I wrote  my song of praise:  'We will sing to the Lord a Joyful Song'.


That poor mother's daughter should not have been given antipsychotic meds in the first place: her mother's brother has nerve damage caused by this type of medications. Why are the doctors so stupid as not to realize that there is a connection between her and her uncle. The mother keeps telling the doctors, but they will wont listen. Why can't the government intervene to make the doctors stop wasting resources that could be spent better elsewhere!

There're none so stupid

      as those that shut their ears

To the pleadings of the innocent one

None so blind

     as those that refuse to see

None so crippled

     as those that take no notice