Anipsychotic Medications are no good  for Moira's Family
         Penny is slowly recovering   of all medications.       

       With a good network of friends and relatives, Penny is slowly but surely recovering without antipsychotic medications. These antipsychotic medications were having the opposite effect intended  just as in the case of Moira's brother who also did not need these meds. But these meds had affected him badly and it was Vicky Ripeer from the Maudsley Hospital London who found this out. Sadly Dr. Ripeer died in 2012 and her obituary and book can be found on the internet. Penny's devoted mother Moira, Has vowed to do everything in her power to protect her daughter.

It has been reported that it is very rare that a doctor is interested in helping a patient to come off these medications, "Oh, it is the return of the problem" 6hey say which is not the case!  Patients should be helped by their GP to come off the above type of med very slowly by being given a liquid dose of the same.  

    There were terrible lies told and written in a 14 page report on Moira and her family.  On such lie was that Penny hit a partner of Moira's.   Now Moira has never had partners.   Penny hit no one.  Again Moira wants answers as to why these reports are so wrong!  and wants it referred to the law courts: the rhetoric being 'what othr things are they getting wrong'?  

   Another thing I wish to point out: 'are patients tested for intolerances as I purport that this could save the NHS money?'  Vicky Ripeer was a pioneer in this field.  She diagnosed Moira's brother and said that Moira is suffering the same...

   It is argued that neither Moira's brother or Penny should have been prescribed these meds in the first instance. Not doings so could have saved them years of untold suffering.    Also the doctors seem to believe criminals and not a poor disabled mother and her daughter whos has been victimised. It is quite something to hear a police officer admit that all this was his Police Force's fault for believing criminals... The Judge Hayward Smith QC, maintained that Penny was not guilty of affray.

Social worker Liz got Htay invoved in the first place, whyen all Moira wan was Atos sorted out. Penny was perfectly okay until that doctor got hold of her! Jan Cranfield is visiting this week and we all hope it is a positive outcome and the visit is going to be secretly recorded! If Panorama can do it we can do it...

      Penny was put back on Seroxat  after it was documented in her Gp's records that she must not go on it again: too dangerous for her to do so the hospital told Moira Penny's mother.  Moria even had a visit from a nurse from Colchester Hospital who reported the same.  This nurse had a portfolio with it documented. Moira wants answers...

    Also, the medical profession states that once a person is off seroxat and its derivatives, they should never be put back on it.  Again, Moira wants answers as to why some doctors do not appear to know this...

   Why are patients  not told of the possible horrendous side affects of these meds and any other antipsychotic mediations. Or the withdrawal symptoms of coming off these meds.

     In not taking any medications, Penny has stopped smoking, is no longer volatile, and is eating and sleeping well.  It will take a bit of time for Penny to fully recover from these highly dangerous drugs as was the case of Penny's uncle. 

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