Over God's Holy Mountain


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        'Keep Your Eyes On The Prize' 

This song is no. 2 on my CD: Dad'sSong -my edited version of song 222 in the Kingdom Song book. I had to do extensive work on this mdi file I found on the internet in 1999: it sounded atrocious as a midi file. My dear patient father died in March that year; he was my support and my rock. Three and a half days after he died of oesophuus cancer, I saw him with Christ in a vision during that night. I closed my eyes; and it was still there when I opened them again- then it faded slowly.  I felt very humbled and comforted. I even drew the picture afterwards. I never ever 'see' things so know this was real...


Decet vulputate nulla roto commodo paratus invidun labores dolor magna aliquyam era sed diam volupt, vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum set clita kasd guber gren no sea takimata sanctus et lorem ipsum dolor amet consetetur sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua at vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolor. Set ea rebum.

Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.

Decet vulputate nulla roto


This CD is compiled in memory of my dear father and very good grandfather to my daughter. Also to my dear mum.

It is based on Isaiah chapters 35 and 65.

1. Chanson - Violin and piano

2. Dad's Song - My edited version of song 222

in Kingdom Song Book

3. Christ The King - Organ and Choir, Lords Evening

Meal and Crucifixion.

4. "Over God's Holy Mountain" - Passing over into the

Promised Land, the New Order of things.

5. Sweet Sleep - Lullaby I wrote for my daughter.

6. Lazaras - The resurrection hope given by Jesus when he resurrected Lazaras.

7. Magdalene's Song. - Prince of Peace now reigns.

8. Summer is Blooming, Adagio - From my Violin Concerto depicting the calmness of the New System.

9) Dad's Song 10) Christ the King 11) Chanson

Copyright Reserved April l999.



'Over God's Holy Mountain'

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