My Vision of Jesus Christ and My Father.
I was curled up in bed when a large 'window' opened up in my room, and it was two oclock in the morning and three and a half days after my dear father died the end of March 1999. I wish to tell following story of a vision I saw of Christ and my father as I never 'see' things, am on no medication and thankfully do not suffer any mental illness. I was thinking at this sad time of the great resurrection hope that Jesus' sacrifice gave us of seeing our loved ones again in perfect health when he returns in spirit to judge the Earth and help us to bring it back to paradisiacal conditions as his Father had originally intended for the good of mankind.
'What is the price of two sparrows? A couple of pennies? Not much more than that. Yet, God does not forget a single one of them. And he knows the number of hairs on your head! Never fear, you are more valuable than a flock of sparrows.' Luke 12 verses 6 and 7.
The 'Seaguls' Flight' was orignally written when I was 10 years old. I was having lessons with Edna Campbell (later Francis) on composition in the Wingfield Music Club.
A friend of mine, Georgina Kent, played this on her Cello at concerts given by the club. I have used the Flute and Harp sound fonts in the Finale 2005 Music programme.
Janet attending a Wingfield concert on Canvey Island aged 17 years.
The Seaguls' flight
(L'Ol aux Cyguls).
Seaguls swiftly fly,
'bove the tree tops high,
Boldly swooping
To the sea below.
Floating on ocean waves,
Which the good Lord gave,
From their destiny,
Where e'er the rivers flow.
Only the Lord God knows,
Where his Seaguls go.
In His Heavenly abode,
Like the An-gels above,
He serves their every need!
He is the God of Love,
Gave to us His dear Son,
Soon everlasting life.
Jehovah only knows,
Where the sea-gulls go!
Sea of mankind
Will not ever know,
Jesus is God's Son,
Soon His work will be done!
He is the God of Love,
Dwells in the heavens above.
Lyrics by JCS