Janet's Song

'A Small Child's Dream'  

The idea was composed on an old piano in Mrs Hamilton's class when she was instructed to give me music theory lessons by Herbert Lyon. I was nearly eight years old at the time.

Decet vulputate nulla roto

 This was written and played via Finale 2005 notation software. The Tyrolean Waltz was written on an old Atari computer and I used the Roland Sound Canvas to create the musical instruments. I have a cousin on my mother's side who does this professionally. He is Dave Flay who works with the Stars of this world, who include Tim Rice. He also played Base Guitar with the Platters, and has played on cruise ships and been on the covers of records. He did some musical arranging for the Royal Variety Show one year, which included the Partridge comedienne.

      David is the youger son of my mother's  youngest brother, George, who worked for Chappels' pianos moving and delivering their pianos. I saw him at Trinity College of Music, London, 'walking' a Grand Piano up a narrow winding staircase to the main hall on the first floor. I wanted to make music my living, but owing to my disability could not.

     I am the only one in my whole family who is physically disabled. Sad for my poor mum and dad! But I set out not to disappoint them, the Heavenly Father, and his son, Jesus! I like to think that I may have actually achieved that... what do you think? This world is a difficult but fascinating place to live in, and 70 or 80 years is not enough for me!

    There is a second cousin on my father's side, Max Perryyment, who has an MA in sound engineering and is a proficient piano player. He is also a teacher. Both the above cousins have websites. Henry, Max's younger brother, was training to be a stand up comedian and is on You Tube.  These two brothers are the grandchildren of my dad's sister Violet and her husband Ernest; and the children of Violet and Ernie's youngest son, Roy Perryment. Sadly, auntie Vi never met her grandchildren because she died of cancer - like her two brothers, Leonard and Henry, and her first child, Brenda - before they were born.


We all aim to be,
What we dream to do.
Make that dream come true,
Car-ry it through-out your life.
Make an earl-y start,
What you aim to do.
Use an help-ing hand; You should not turn it a-way.

You are the one who can set your-self free.

Go a-long the road that's eas-y and true, 

Then you will fol-low your dream.

We all aim to be,
What we dream to do.
Make that dream come true,
Car-ry it through-out your life.  
Make an ear-ly start,
What you aim to do,
Use an help-ing hand, You should not turn it a-way.   

Pa-stures new, Hopes a-new, We will car-ry it through!

Help our-selves, O-thers too;

Give us a leg up in life.

We all aim to be,

What we dream to do.
Make that dream come true ,
Car-ry it through-out your life.
Make an ear-ly start,
What you aim to do.
We shall do our best, Trust in your de--stin-ey.

Decet vulputate nulla roto commodo paratus invidun labores dolor magna aliquyam era sed diam volupt, vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum set clita kasd guber gren no sea takimata sanctus et lorem ipsum dolor amet consetetur sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua at vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolor. Set ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.


I drew the Austrian scene on the right as a tribute to my maternal grand-mother's family, the Seckers, who came from the 'Land of Song', Austria, and settled in East Anglia, owning, at one time, Trinty House in Lexden, Colchester: I discovered this on one of the 19th Century Census's. The graphics are Greenstreet Publisher Progam's clip art, and my music I put on computer using Finale Notation software,entering notes on staves - each stave represents a midi channel.  Please scroll down to see the words and music to 'A Small Child's Dream'.



'A Small Child's Dream'

      Violin and piano

'A Small Child's Dream'



Click on the picture of Janet playing her violin to play the 'Tyrolean Waltz' which she composed for orchestra and piano. It is a trbute to her  maternal grandmother's family, the Seckers, who came from Austria.


Tyrolean Waltz
